Comments on: David Beckley transforms Rust College and its student body In Search of America's Identity Sat, 19 Jan 2013 04:51:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debra Butler Thu, 08 Dec 2011 20:25:40 +0000 Dr. David Beckley is well deserving of acknowledgement of his accomplishments at Rust College as well as other institutions that he has been a part of. I truly apprecaiate his dedication and leadership given to educating those who desire to further their education and better their lives. There are not enough individuals today like Dr. Beckley, who are truly concerned about the educational welfare of the next generation.

By: Shelley C. Jackson Wed, 07 Dec 2011 23:04:18 +0000 How proud am I? I have served at Rust For 10 years now, and I can honestly say I’m so very proud to be a part of this historical institution. Not only does Rust turn out great professionals from all over the world of an array of diverse backgrounds asnd nationalities, but we also do great works, and we have a leader in Dr. Beckley who stand for integrity, doing what’s right and committed to serving students in such a way that they will never feel unengaged from Rust College and what we stand for. He is the Renaissance of Rust College; student oriented and he forever stands for Education with a spiritual and rich foundation. Rust is a great institution…and as dipicted by this well written article, it’s greatness is reflected by it’s leadership!!
