Traveling with Twain

In Search of America's Identity

Ann Ghiglione O’Keefe finds a surprise in Pontedecimo, Italy

I, like other Ghigliones born in the United States, returned to Pontedecimo, Italy, birthplace of my great-grandfather, Angelo Francesco Ghiglione, in search of the holy grail. Our holy grail took the form of descendants—any descendants—of Angelo Francesco, the first member of our Ghiglione family to immigrate to America. He arrived in New York in 1872. About a century later, an adventurous Ann Ghiglione O’Keefe, visited Pontedecimo. Trained as a rally-car driver, she zoomed around Europe and North Africa in a red Porsche, installing computer systems at U.S. Air Force bases. In this snippet from a Dan Tham video she describes her meeting with Pontedecimo Ghigliones, who may not have been relatives but certainly looked the part.

Loren Ghiglione

Video by Dan

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